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Trimmings T like table decoration As trimmings decorating elements are referred to textiles of all kinds, which take no practical function and should lead solely to the aesthetic enrichment of the respective textiles. The production of the trimmings was valued for centuries as a craft and performed by professional trimmers, today machines take over the production of artistic, textile ornamental work. Among the most important and well-known trimmings include tassels and cords, which are as a conclusion of curtains or dresses and thus become a real eye-catcher. Even with tablecloths, the incorporation of trimings has been established for many decades, especially well known is the Brussels lace. If trimmings are not individual, discrete decorative elements such as tassels, but a continuous ornament is attached to a curtain or ceiling, is spoken by a so-called lambrequin. With the triumphant advance of industrial textile production, the craft of the trimmer is rather in the background, because modern weaving machines are ready to be incorporated into production, but the job profile is not quite extinct today.

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