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trees T like table decoration The term woody plants has a variety of plants or plants, all of which are characterized by the lignification of their stalk with their progressive growth. Compared to flowers and other non-woody plants, trees have a lot longer lifespan, and many trees can reach many decades or even centuries. Thus, in addition to trees, shrubs and lianas are counted among the woody plants, even though the woody branches have a much better value than trees. In the vast majority of cases, woody plants multiply via the traditional sowing of seeds, which can be present in a simple core form as in the apple tree as well as in special forms such as acorns or beechnuts. A few species of ferns thus lignify and must therefore be counted among the woody plants, even if they are not seed plants. Usually in combination with flowers and woody plants is made in bouquets and bouquets. In natural wreaths, for example, in the nature of natural wreaths.

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