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ranunculus R like ranunculus Ranunculus, in common usage, is a variety of hawthorn plants, which are among the world's most widely used flowering plants, with thousands of species. Numerous flowers, which are known in Germany under other names, belong to the main genus of Ranunculus and thus visually prove the biodiversity of this plant genus. Among the best known representatives of the Ranunculus include the anemone, the hellebore, the columbine and the yolk flowers. Ranunculus. The Common Ranunculus. The Common Ranunculus. As many species are also native to Central Europe and can thus be found on green areas without much cultivation, so have also played an important role in floristics and are found in bouquets or flower arrangements in particularly attractive forms. Nursing is rather easy in most species, and many species are ideal for outdoor use in the garden or on the terrace, as they can optimally with the temperate, European climate. Standard potting soil is just as suitable for cultivation and care as untreated irrigation water without the use of special fertilizers.

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