product presentation

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product presentation P like parallel technology As a presentation of goods is in horticulture and floristic environment, the adjustment of flowers, plants and other items of a business referred to leave. A modern presentation of goods follows different principles, which include both practical and aesthetic criteria. Especially in the field of floristry, where flowers and other plants have a high aesthetic value and are bought as natural ornaments, an aesthetic presentation of these natural goods is indispensable. As a rule, familiarizing with the arrangement of different flowers in the same spatial environment, which are complemented by decorative items. It is also suitable for special events such as Easter, Christmas or Valentine's Day, to prepare for the appropriate feast by an aesthetic presentation of flowers and decorative items. Of course, customers should take their desired items themselves from a shelf or from an outside surface. In this case, practical criteria should therefore be included in the presentation of goods, eg sufficient space between different plants and presentation areas and easy access to all goods.

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