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lavender L as labeling machine The term lavender refers to a genus of plants of the mint family, in Central Europe, the term usually means the real lavender or lavender vera. With its large flowers in the striking, violet color of lavender has become one of the most popular ornamental plants in this country, he is even more appreciated because of the strong aromatic odor of the flowers. The lavender dries as a shrub and can reach up to a height of two meters, in addition to the formation of smaller leaves he brings out in the summer months its distinctive, purple petals, which then develop into small nutlets and serve the propagation of lavender. The original home of lavender is the Mediterranean, but for several centuries the genus has also been bred successfully in Central Europe. Even today, lavender is cultivated extensively as a crop, but the use of its wood as a fuel is pushed into the background. From the dried flowers of lavender fragrance bags and similar products are made, which not only have a pleasant smell, but also successfully used against clothes moths. Even the medicine appreciates the lavender, which is used in migraine, gastrointestinal complaints as well as in aromatherapy. The lavender gets its distinctive scent by a mixture of well-known, chemical substances such as camphor, cineole or linalool.

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