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gardener G as gardening The term gardener in the German language refers to both a training occupation as well as the private, non-commercial activity to cultivate and cultivate a private garden. Horticulture is closely linked to the development of the agricultural sector in Germany; just a few centuries ago, most inhabitants of rural regions were gardeners, managing their livelihood as well as the supply of food through their capacity as smallholders. Since the commercial importance of one's own gardening in the modern living environment has faded into the background and supermarkets no longer need to cultivate their own food, today the gardener is understood more in the floristic or botanical sense of maintaining a private or public garden and so on contributes to an aesthetic enrichment of its environment. All activities that play a role in this can be learned as part of a three-year training course in Germany and then practiced as a manual apprenticeship. In today's working environment, gardeners are used in garden centers or small gardening businesses, in cemetery nurseries and nurseries. Also in the cultivation of crops of all kinds gardeners are needed in addition to traditional farmers, for example in the cultivation of fruit trees or perennials. Anyone who, as a trainee, would rather incorporate aesthetic and creative preferences into his professional life, can also aim for a more floristic focus in his work.

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