Flower arranging hedgehog

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Flower arranging hedgehog F like fall flowers Flower plug is the name for a small tool from the floristry, which allows the attachment of flowers by attaching flowers, flowers and other decorative elements. The flower plug-in is associated with the Japanese floral art Ikebana and bears here the technical name Kenzan. A Kenzan is usually only a few inches long and therefore not with German foam rubber, wreaths or other basics for arrangements to compare. The compact form is therefore necessary, since in Ikebana the arrangement of plants is less in a fixed and closed form, but arrangement rather than landscape. The German term Blumensteckigel is misleading in two respects: On the one hand, the attached needles of a Kenzans only point in one direction and are not comparable to the comprehensively prickly surface of a hedgehog. On the other hand, either traditional or modern kenzans have a hedgehog shape, but can usually be obtained in square or oval basic forms. Although most of the flowers are only used in Ikebana, the florists benefit from the opportunity to have their own home or garden.

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