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euphorbia E like Euphorbie The Euphorbie is a native plant, which belongs to the genus of the milkweed plants and as the best-known example this genus is often only called milkweed. The plant gets its German name from the milky liquids that escape when the plant is destroyed and have a slightly toxic effect on humans. With appropriate care, the Euphorbie forms a variety of bright yellow flowers, making it a special ornament for any garden and balcony for garden lovers. The Euphorbie is particularly popular because of its rampant character and large leaves, although individual subspecies of this milkweed family are also suitable for use in your own four walls. The best-known variant is the Euphorbia pulcherrima, which is better known as the poinsettia and knows how to decorate every room with red, large petals not only in the cold season. In general, the genus of spurge family is very diverse and also includes, for example, succulents that look more like cacti and require very little water and other nutrients to care for them. Due to this versatility, the Euphorbie can be discovered in ever new forms in the gardens of Germany and the world.

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