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bouquet B like botany The term bouquet refers to a collection of flowers in the context of a container. The term is used in German-speaking countries mostly synonymous with the flower bouquet. Originally derived from French, the term Bouquet not only indicates an arbitrary combination of flowers, but rather a color, optical and olfactory harmony in the foreground. This is also evident in the use of the term bouquet in the context of wine, where the word describes a positive overall impression that can be obtained with all senses while enjoying the alcoholic beverage. This should also be possible with a bouquet of flowers, which is why professional florists in the context of their training deal with which flowers and other plants harmonize optimally with each other and so can find space in a bouquet. Size and type of flowers play a role as well as the same, botanical needs of the plants, eg the number of hours of sunshine per day or the frequency of casting. Laymen in the field of floristry combine with a harmonious bouquet especially a color-perfect composition of the bouquet. In contrast to this, a bouquet is usually understood to mean a small and compact container which, in addition to classic cut flowers, can also comprise extensive accessories. When putting together bouquets, the occasion, for which this container is created, ultimately also plays a role; a bouquet that is too colorful as a bouquet for a memorial service will not meet the taste of a potential buyer, even with a perfect and harmonious combination of flowers and accessories.

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