gravel bars

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gravel bars G as gardening Chipping sticks are among the indispensable aids in modern horticulture, which are offered from various materials from bamboo to clay and fulfill various tasks in the rearing of plants of all kinds. Chippings are also marketed in various sizes, their use is usually in a length of a few decimeters. One of the main tasks of chippings is their use as a climbing aid or support for new pupils who need help with height growth, so as not to collapse and thus die at an early stage of life. Depending on the type of plant, it is advisable to stake out the surrounding soil several times with a split stick and thus to ensure a better growth of the plants. In horticulture, this scaffold of chippings is also used for other purposes, for example, to string the whole of rods with air-permeable film and protect the growing plant so effectively against pests. In general, split sticks help to divide beds, fields and borders and to optically isolate individual plants in order to give them the same space to grow. In principle, split bars provide a hold for every conventional binding wire and thus make the attachment of aids such as films and fabrics particularly easy. In the search for chippings as well as suitable binding wire, it is worth taking a look at the assortment of specialist dealers in the field of horticulture.

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