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floriculture F like fall flowers Floriculture refers to both commercial and private promotion of growth and multiplication of various types of flowers. The crossing of different flower species to produce new species is one of the tasks or preferences of a breeder. In the private sector, floriculture is operated nationwide. Industrially and technically supported, the rearing of various flowers and other plant species often takes place over numerous square kilometers. Different types of flowers need the natural environment of our continent. In most cases, floriculture is now held in greenhouses and is operated in Europe, for example, only by a handful of large breeding companies. They offer their goods at auctions and thus make it possible to supply the wholesalers or individual florists. Regardless of this commercial variant of modern floriculture this is done on a private basis and is considered as a pure hobby of leisure kitsch. The floriculture includes the comprehensive care of plants and plants of all kinds, the targeted control of reproduction and the crossing of the species. Even in the private sector is not always on the natural progress of the propagation, for example, by the transmission of pollen familiar by insects, but helped artificially with a brush and other tools.

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